Envision Your Study Abroad Experience

Georgetown believes that study abroad is an integral part of a student’s academic experience. We encourage students to devote time to researching our programs. Ultimately, you will select an option that will help you achieve your academic, professional, and personal goals. When reflecting on your study abroad goals, consider the following:
- Does the program offer coursework that will allow me to progress in my major/minor requirements towards the timely completion of my degree? If I am STEM, can I do research or labs? For more on studying abroad as a STEM student visit our STEM Abroad News Story.
- What other academic, professional, and personal goals do I have, and will this program help me meet them? Are there possibilities for internships or volunteering?
- What opportunities for cross-cultural learning interest me, and what level of support am I comfortable with (e.g., am I fairly independent or would I prefer more structure to my program)?
- During which term(s) do I intend to study abroad? Is my program of choice available for the semester that I would prefer to spend abroad?
- How will I prepare myself to handle the cultural and logistical challenges at my study abroad site?
- What are the language, GPA, or other academic requirements for the program(s) I am considering, and how soon would I need to start working on those in order to go abroad on time?
- Have I considered the health, safety, and security of the program site as it relates to my own medical needs, physical and academic accommodations, and risk tolerance? NAFSA’s Health, Safety, and Security Guide for Students provides some helpful questions to consider when selecting a program.