Submit Student Recommendations

Students sitting on Georgetown's front lawn

Thank you for helping our office facilitate the study abroad application process by writing recommendations for students. We appreciate your time.

All recommendations will be reviewed by the GU Selection Committee and by the foreign institution to which the student is nominated. If you do not feel qualified to assess the student, please ask him/her to choose another evaluator.

We ask students to articulate how their proposed study abroad plans fit into their overall educational trajectory and goals. For some students, study abroad will be directly related to their major/minor/certificate; for others, it will be related to other goals and interests (career, developing language proficiency, academic interests outside of their major/minor/certificate, learning about a different place and culture, etc.). Please keep this in mind when evaluating the student.

Should you have any questions about the program(s) to which the student is applying, please feel free to contact the Office of Global Education at 202-687-3132.

Directions for completing a recommendation

Recommenders are issued login credentials for myGUABROAD through an automatic email when a student requests a recommendation be completed.

The email notification will contain the name of the student who issued the request, a link to the recommendation, and the recommendation’s ID#. By following the provided URL recommenders will have the ability to fill out that specific recommendation. Please note that the system times out, so it is advisable to fill out the recommendation form in one sitting.

If recommenders anticipate multiple requests and wish to review them all at the same time, the notification email also provides a username and password that recommenders can use in order to access the system. The first time a recommender logs in, he/she will be prompted to change the temporary password.

Recommendation Form Questions

  • What course did the student take with you?
  • In what term was the course taken?
  • Please provide a candid evaluation of the student’s performance in your course. Please comment on the student’s motivation and his/her academic strengths and weaknesses.
  • Please comment on the quality of the work the student prepared for your course.
  • Study abroad requires that a student be self-reliant and mature in order to successfully navigate a foreign and unfamiliar environment. Additionally, the student may be part of a program in which the structure differs from that of a typical US college/university. Is this student self-reliant and mature enough to perform well in a foreign and unfamiliar environment?
  • Imagine that you are the faculty director of a study abroad program. Would you want this student to participate on your program? Please include comments on the student’s maturity level, independence, self-motivation, and discipline.

  • What course(s) did the student take with you and in what term(s)?
  • Ability Rating: Write a research paper– Based on your observations of the student, please rate their ability in this skill. (Select one)
  • Ability Rating: Give an oral presentation– Based on your observations of the student, please rate their ability in this skill. (Select one)
  • Ability Rating: Take informative notes based on readings of academic texts– Based on your observations of the student, please rate their ability in this skill. (Select one)
  • Ability Rating: Ask for clarification from a professor– Based on your observations of the student, please rate their ability in this skill. (Select one)
  • Ability Rating: Answer questions on a written exam– Based on your observations of the student, please rate their ability in this skill. (Select one)
  • Ability Rating Comments: Please use the space below to provide any additional comments on your ratings.
  • Linguistic Preparedness: Different programs have varying levels of prerequisite language study. Based on the information provided by the student and any previous experience you may have with this program, please comment on the student’s linguistic preparedness to perform effectively on site.
  • Direct Matriculation: Some programs, particularly those where students directly matriculate and take courses alongside local university students, presuppose that participants have a high level in the language upon arrival. Is this student currently functional in the language at the requisite level indicated by the student for this program? (Yes/No)
    • (If no) Competencies: If not, which competencies do you feel this student needs to improve in this regard? (Multiple selection)
    • (If no) Preparation: If you have concerns about the student’s linguistic preparedness for this program, please specify whether you feel that he/she cna ahcieve the requisite language level by: (Multiple selection)
    • (If no) Remedial Preparation: Please use the following space to elaborate on the areas where th student may need remedial preparation and the type of preparation you feel would be appropriate.
    • (If yes/no) Comments: Please use this section to provide any additional comments about this student that you wish to share with the Selection Committee and program administrators.