Summer Application Resources

Application Checklist

Please note that electronic submissions, recommendations, and material submissions may differ depending on the program to which you are applying. Please refer to your application homepage for your required application components and read the instructions carefully.

  • Electronic Submissions – All electronic submissions must be submitted online by 11:59PM on the application deadline.
    • Summer Course Approval Form
    • Student Conduct Form (undergraduates only)
    • Unofficial Transcript
    • Emergency Contact Information
    • Statement of Intent
    • Any additional program-specific materials
  • Recommendations – When two letters of recommendation are required, at least one recommendation must come from a professor. For more information and guidance, please refer to the “Recommendations” tab. It is preferred that recommendations be submitted through the online system.
  • Material Submissions – All material submissions must be turned in to the Summer Programs staff at the Office of Global Education by 5:00PM on the application deadline. They may include any program-specific materials. Transfer students must submit an official transcript from their previous institution, and non-Georgetown students must submit an official transcript from their current institution. Non-Georgetown students must also submit the Summer Overseas Course Form and a $35 non-refundable application fee (check or money order only) payable to Georgetown University.

Summer Timeline


  • Begin researching summer study abroad options .
  • Verify that your passport will be valid for at least six months after your anticipated return date; apply for or renew your passport if necessary.
  • Discuss summer study abroad options and finances with family.
  • Attend the General Summer Study Abroad Information Session; date, time, and location TBD.

October, November, and December

  • Latter half of the semester: Online application system opens
  • Attend a program-specific Information Session; dates, times, and locations will be emailed to all students
  • Make an appointment with an advisor if you have additional questions.
  • Discuss financial aid opportunities with your Financial Aid Advisor.
  • Begin your online application and prepare application materials.
  • Meet with your advising dean to review your summer program and sign your Summer Course Approval Form (Undergraduates only).


  • Begin or continue your online application and prepare application materials for application deadline.
  • Meet with your advising dean to review your summer program and sign your Summer Course Approval Form (Undergraduates only)


March & April

  • Applicants notified about acceptance decision.
  • Nominated students confirm commitment.
  • Complete mandatory Health & Safety Orientation Session in myGUABROAD.
  • Attend a mandatory program-specific Orientation Session; date, time, and location will be emailed to all students who have submitted acceptance materials.
  • OGE will register students for program and courses; tuition payment is due to the Office of Student Accounts and your bill can be viewed by logging into MyAccess.
  • Register your passport with the Department of State:
  • Begin applying for your visa; if necessary.


  • Program payment due.

Eligibility Criteria

Academic Eligibility

All students applying to GU summer programs should be in good academic and disciplinary standing. Additional program requirements can be found on each program’s webpage. Students whose GPA is currently below a 2.5 are encouraged to speak with an OGE advisor early in the process to learn about their options for summer study abroad and to inquire about the Eligibility Addendum form (see below).

Additionally, applicants are expected to be in good academic standing at Georgetown University or their home university. Students must maintain a strong, consistent academic record and meet the academic standards set forth by the University. Students are not eligible to participate in a study abroad program while on active academic probation.

Disciplinary Eligibility

Applicants are also expected to be in good disciplinary standing at Georgetown University or their home university. To remain in good standing, a student must exhibit a history of good citizenship and student conduct. Students are not eligible to participate in a study abroad program while on active disciplinary probation. For full consideration, students should complete all student conduct sanctions prior to submitting an application.

It is important to remember that all nominations are inherently conditional. A significant decline in academic performance or a disciplinary sanction prior to departure may render a student ineligible for study abroad. This is true even if the student has already received a nomination from Georgetown or formal acceptance from an overseas institution.

Eligibility Addendum Form

If a student does not meet one or more of the requirements set forth in the program brochure, he/she may submit an Eligibility Addendum Form (EAF) to provide more information for the selection committee. This form is available after meeting with the OGE advisor for the program.

Students should begin the advising and application process early if they intend to submit an EAF. Students are also strongly encouraged to review their written EAF proposal with their curricular dean for input and advice. Submission of this form does not guarantee approval for study abroad. This process does not apply to any program with a GPA requirement higher than the institutional minimum.


Most summer program applications require two (2) recommendations. The summer program at Villa Le Balze requires one academic recommendation.

Depending on your program the type of recommendations required may vary (ie language programs require one Language Assessment Recommendation and one Academic/General Recommendation while other programs require two Academic/General Recommendations). The types of recommendations that your program requires will be indicated in your application in myGUABROAD.

Programs Requiring Two Academic/General Recommendations: Who Should You Ask?

One of your two recommendations must come from a professor who has taught you. The best letters will come from people who know you well and who can provide detailed comments about your academic work, and who can speak to how well-suited you are for the study abroad program you have selected. The second recommendation should speak to your character, maturity, and ability to function in a new and challenging environment. This person could be a professor, but does not have to be. Supervisors, high school teachers, coaches, etc. are other possibilities.

Programs Requiring a Language Assessment & Academic/General Recommendations: Who Should You Ask?

The Language Assessment is not a recommendation, but rather an assessment meant to gauge your linguistic and cultural preparedness to function effectively abroad. The Language Assessment will ask your instructor to evaluate your linguistic preparedness in all competencies (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) as they pertain to your intended program. You should seek a language assessment from your most recent language instructor, as he/she can most accurately assess your current skills as part of the application process. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the language requirements of your desired program so that you can share them with your instructor.

If you have not taken a language course at Georgetown, you should contact the faculty director of program to which you are applying.  The faculty director will review your case and determine how to assess your language skills appropriately.

The second recommendation should speak to your character, maturity, and ability to function in a new and challenging environment. This person could be a professor, but does not have to be. Supervisors, high school teachers, coaches, etc. are other possibilities. You may not ask the same person to write both a general recommendation and a language assessment. If a significant amount of time has passed (i.e., more than a semester) since you took a language class, your instructor may want to briefly interview you or give you a written assignment to evaluate your current skills.  This step is at the instructor’s discretion.

What Does OGE Ask the Recommender?

Academic/General Recommendation form:

If you are teaching or have taught the student, please respond to questions 1 through 4 and 11. If you have not taught the student, please respond to questions 5 through 11.

  • What course(s) has this applicant taken with you and when? Please list below.
  • Please comment on the applicant’s motivation and academic strengths and weaknesses based on their performance in your course(s).
  • Imagine that you are the faculty director of a study abroad program. Would you want this student to participate on your program? Since study abroad requires that a student be self-reliant and mature in order to successfully navigate a foreign and unfamiliar environment, please include comments on the student’s maturity level, independence, self motivation, and discipline.
  • For how long and in what capacity have you known this applicant?
  • Overseas studies requires maturity, independence, self-motivation and discipline. To the best of your ability, please comment on these characteristics as they pertain to this applicant.
  • Flexibility, adaptability, and a willingness to compromise are essential qualities for successful study abroad. In your view, how does the applicant possess these qualities? Please explain with examples if possible.
  • In some programs, students are asked to be part of a living/learning community. What characteristics does this candidate possess that would contribute to the group and what strengths would you like to see further developed while the applicant is abroad?
  • If you were leading a group of students on a study abroad program, would you want the applicant among your participants? Why or why not?
  • Keeping in mind that study abroad can be stressful and emotionally challenging, do you have any reservations about this applicant’s participation in an overseas study program? Please explain.
  • Please use this space to include any additional information about the candidate that would be helpful for the Selection Committee to know.

Language Assessment form:

  • What course(s) has this applicant taken with you and when? Please list below.
  • Please comment on the student’s overall academic performance in your course as it relates to study abroad.
  • What skills has this student been able to acquire in your course that may be applicable to study abroad? (This may include, for instance, learning country-specific stylistics for writing a research paper, techniques for oral presentations, strategies for navigating foreign bureaucracy, etc.)
  • Different programs have varying levels of prerequisite language study. Based on the information provided by the student and any previous experience you may have with this program, please comment on the student’s linguistic preparedness to perform effectively on site.
  • Some programs, particularly those where students directly matriculate and take courses alongside local university students, presuppose that participants have a high level in the language upon arrival. Is this student currently functional in the language at the requisite level indicated by the student for this program?
  • If not, which competencies do you feel this student needs to improve in this regard? (Hold the Ctrl key in order to make multiple selections.)
  • If you have concerns about the student’s linguistic preparedness for this program, please specify how you feel that he/she can achieve the requisite language level.
  • Please use the following space to elaborate on the areas where the student may need remedial preparation and the type of preparation you feel would be appropriate.
  • Please use this section to provide any additional comments about this applicant that you wish to share with the Selection Committee and program administrators.

Letter of Recommendation Etiquette

OGE recommends that, when possible, you contact your recommender at least four weeks prior to your program’s application deadline to ask if they would be willing to write a recommendation for you. Consider stopping by your recommender’s office hours to discuss the recommendation, as well as your plans for study abroad.

OGE suggests that you provide your recommender with a resume and/or a copy of your statement of academic intent to provide an overview of your activities, experiences and academic goals. This will give your recommender a better understanding of why you have chosen your particular program. This is particularly critical if you do not have a well-established relationship with the recommender.

Once the recommendation has been submitted, write a quick thank-you note to acknowledge the time the recommender has taken to assist you.

How to Request a Recommendation Through the OGE Online Application System:

  1. When you open an online application, you will see a section titled “Recommendations”. Below that, click “Request Electronic Recommendation”.
  2. Use the keywords box to enter the last name or GU NetID of your recommender. The system is linked to the Georgetown directory and will automatically locate the contact information for GU faculty. In order to prevent technical issues, please always use the Georgetown email address of the recommender (not a personal email address) when making your request. Click “Next” when you have selected your recommender.
  3. Fill in the course(s) you have taken with the faculty member, and add any relevant notes under “Additional Information”.
  4. Select whether or not to waive your right to read the recommendation after it is completed.
  5. Click save, which will email the request to the recommender.
  6. The recommender will complete and submit the form online. Your application will display a check mark when the recommendation has been received by OGE.

I Need to Resend My Recommendation Form. How Do I Do That?

Your recommender may contact you and say he/she did not receive or cannot locate the link to access your recommendation form. If this happens, please email and include the following information:

  • Your name
  • The program and term to which you are applying
  • Your recommender’s name
  • A request to resend the link

Can I See the Recommendation After it is Submitted?

If you waived your right to view the recommendation, then Georgetown personnel may not send it to you under any circumstances.

  • Should I waive my right to view my recommendation? Yes, it is generally advised that you waive your right to view. In some cases, recommenders may feel more inclined to complete a recommendation for an applicant who has waived their right to view it, and selection committees may view these recommendations more favorably in a competitive application cycle. Waiving the right to view the recommendation assures the review committee that the recommender has been fully candid in their assessment of the applicant.

If you did not waive your right to view the recommendation, you may email the Office of Global Education with a request to view the recommendation.

  • OGE may only share recommendations after the selection decision has been posted for the application.
  • In order to share it, we must first confirm the process with the applicant and must also notify the recommender that their recommendation is being shared.

Non-GU Summer Programs

What are the benefits of a Georgetown program?

Georgetown University’s Office of Global Education administers over twenty summer study abroad programs each year. All but two of these (Summer in St. Petersburg, Russia (CIEE)  and Summer in Beijing, China (ACC) ) carry direct Georgetown credit and appear on a student’s transcript in the same fashion as courses taught on the university’s main campus. To learn more about these programs, click on “Search OGE’s Program Database” at the top of this page.

Can I participate on a non-Georgetown summer program? Will I receive credit?

While the Office of Global Education cannot evaluate, recommend or endorse any international programs undertaken independently, a student who cannot find an academically appropriate program through Georgetown may petition his or her dean to receive credit for a non-Georgetown summer program.  The student’s advising dean will be able to provide a preliminary assessment of credit eligibility based on the course description(s), the curricula vitae of the instructor(s), and the class schedule(s).  The dean will make a final determination on the amount of transfer credit to be awarded when she/he receives the student’s transcript for the summer program in question.  It is very important to receive a preliminary assessment of the coursework before enrolling in a summer program; otherwise, students risk completing coursework only to learn that it is not eligible for GU credit.  See below for school-specific information on how to further explore credit issues:

Georgetown College

School of Foreign Service

McDonough School of Business

School of Nursing

School of Health

How do I research a non-Georgetown summer program?

Researching study abroad options on-line is relatively easy.  IIE Passport is one of many popular sites where students can search for programs by region, subject, or time of year.  In general, sites such as IIE Passport may be a good starting point for basic information, however, it is important to research each program thoroughly and contact the program provider directly. Here are the steps we recommend students take when researching a particular program:

  1. Visit the program’s website and review more detailed information about its offerings;
  2. Talk to a program representative;
  3. Request the names and contact information of recent program participants with whom you can communicate directly.

What questions should I ask of the program provider or university running the program?


  • Is this a university-sponsored or third-party provider program?
  • From what institution are transcripts provided?
  • How many years has the program been in operation?
  • How many students typically participate?
  • From which universities and colleges have past participants come?
  • How can I contact recent participants to learn about their experiences on the program?
  • Does the sponsor have a program evaluation process?
  • If so, can you review all of the evaluations (as opposed to a sample) from previous years?


  • What is the average classroom size?
  • How many hours per week does each class meet?
  • Is the language of instruction English?  If not, what level of foreign-language proficiency should you possess when joining the program?
  • Who teaches the courses you will be taking?
  • Are the academic credentials of all instructors available on-line or in some other format?


  • What housing arrangements are provided?
  • Who has screened and selected the hosts and host families?
  • How many students live with each family?
  • What is each family required to provide the student?  (Number of meals, private room, etc.)  How are students matched with host families?
  • How easily can students request changes to housing arrangements?
  • What is the typical length of commute from the host family to the classroom site?

Logistics, Orientation, Travel

  • Are visas required for travel to the host country?  If so, what assistance will be provided in obtaining a visa?
  • Who will be available on-site to assist with questions and/or problems once you are overseas?  Is this person available 24 hours per day?
  • What pre-departure information is provided to students?
  • Is there an on-site orientation?  If so, what topics does it cover?
  • What cultural activities and excursions are included in the program?
  • How are these activities relevant to classroom studies?
  • What provisions does the program make to help foreign students meet local people?

Health, Safety, Finances

  • What is the actual cost of the program?
  • Does the quoted price include housing, meals, travel, visas, and tuition?
  • How much will you need to budget to cover expenses that are not included in the program fee?  (Be sure to determine the number of meals provided per day if board is provided.)
  • If international travel is included in the program fee, what restrictions apply to your airline ticket?
  • Are all participants automatically enrolled in comprehensive international health insurance?
  • What procedures are in place to assist students during a medical emergency?

How do non-Georgetown summer programs work financially? Can I use Georgetown financial aid?

Students should be sure to receive a complete break-down of specific items covered by a program’s listed price. Some programs, for instance, may include airfare while others do not; some may provide full board, while others do not include meals. If a program seems remarkably less expensive than a similar program in a similar location, you should look particularly closely at the items covered by the program price.

In some instances, students are able to use their GU financial aid toward the cost of non-GU programs, but these are rare. Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid for details.  Participants on some non-GU summer programs may also be able to apply for federal funding, such as the Gilman or Boren Fellowships.

Please note that the information provided here does not reflect Georgetown’s sponsorship, endorsement, support, or approval of a student’s international travel plans. Its sole purpose is to assist students in learning about the steps involved in researching a non-Georgetown summer abroad program and determining eligibility for transfer credit for studies completed overseas during the summer. Georgetown University is not in a position to evaluate, recommend, or endorse international study experiences undertaken independently by its students, and cannot be responsible for programs or experiences that are beyond its control.