Faculty & Deans
Learn more about opportunities to engage with OGE!
We collaborate with a variety of on-campus partners to provide students with substantive opportunities to study abroad while engaging with the language and culture of their host country.

We benefit greatly from the engagement of our faculty and decanal colleagues from across campus. Their involvement is fundamental throughout the year but particularly appreciated when it comes to the submission and review of students’ application materials to study abroad. The staff of the Global Living and Learning Programs as well as the regional advisors of the Office of Global Education are always available to discuss ideas that faculty or departments may have for new programming.
The Program and Policy Committee (PPC), a longstanding partnership between the Office of Global Education and the Deans’ Offices of Georgetown College, the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, the McDonough School of Business, the School of Health, and the School of Nursing, establishes and reviews policies related to academic and extracurricular activities coordinated through the Office of Global Education.