Virtual Information Session: “Georgetown at Villa Le Balze: A Microscopic View of Tuscany”

Posted in Event Announcement | Tagged villa le balze, Virtual Information Session
Join us on Thursday, Jan. 21st at 2 pm EST for a virtual information session on “Georgetown at Villa Le Balze: A Microscopic View of Tuscany.” If interested, make sure to attend through the event Zoom link.
This course will be a rigorous exploration into the characteristics important for the development of wine and cheese, with an emphasis on the biochemical pathways necessary for the production of ethanol and other products that are responsible for the unique flavors and textures associated with these foods. Part of the course will involve hands-on activities comparing genes for these processes among different organisms; using tools of bioinformatics, a relatively new field that combines biology, computer science, and statistics.
For the full course description and more, please consult the program brochure. The deadline to apply is February 23rd, 2021.